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Job Search Stress Relief

Searching for a job can be the most stressful period of your life. You might be looking to land your first job, or you might be stuck in a tedious, low-paying job, or have been in the market for months. You will begin to feel the stress sooner or later because you have zero control over the actual hiring process of the company you’re applying to.

Stress can severely affect your personal life, but it can make you unable to do your best at a job interview. As a result, you will spend months looking for a new job, and every new job interview will be a source of anxiety and fear.

Here are a few ways suggested by Wonderlic Test Prep to deal with stress related to searching for a job.

1) Engaging in physical activity

Not having a job pushes you into the process of finding one – to such an extreme that all you do is tweak your resume daily, spending endless hours researching companies and looking for job opportunities, while forgetting to take care of yourself.

So get out there and take those dancing lessons you never had time for. Or join that gym around the corner that you never had the chance to visit. Engaging in healthy physical activity like exercising, dancing, or even walking, can help you release the pressure and release stress.

2) Organize your time

When you’re out of a job, you do have plenty of time on your hands. You will feel the need to spend every moment seeking a new job, constantly either doing things related to it, or thinking about it obsessively.

Organize your time. Treat your job search as another job with allocated hours. Organize your activities to give yourself a routine to follow. Having a job means following an external routine, and when that routine is gone, it’s easy to fall under stress and not know what to do.

3) Daily meditation

When it comes to stress relief, there is nothing better than meditation. But, during the process of seeking a job, you might find yourself unable to be inside your own mind. It will probably be filled negative statements.

However, you can use guided meditation as a tool to relieve the stress. And as with anything stress related, daily guided meditation can work wonders on your overall mood and attitude, which in turn will lessen the stress, enabling you to enter a job interview with your emotions in check and your mind clear, sharp, and ready to dazzle potential employers.

4) Friends and family

Do not go through the process of searching for a job by yourself. Alas, this doesn’t mean that you need to tell everyone you know everything about your job search.

But, often, it’s enough to just tell one person and have that person offer positive feedback and support. No one is a stranger to looking for a job – we’ve all been there and done that, and most people will be understanding of your situation

5) Positive reminders

Many people shrug off the power of positive thinking as just another sham, however, there is truth to it. If you go to a job interview feeling like you’re not worthy, then you will definitely not land that job.

When you’re looking for a job, you’re bound to get rejected at least a couple of times. Make sure to remind yourself of times when you excelled and felt proud. We tend to remember our failures and ignore our successes. When you only focus on your failure to find a job, you will forget all the positive things that you actually did.

So, give yourself daily reminders of the things you’re good at.

Article provided by Wonderlic Test Prep

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